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There are 6 comments on Age, Inflation, Abortion, Culture Wars, and More: Issues That Will Define President Biden’s Reelection Campaign

  1. This article was truly hilarious. Just read the completely erroneous claims about age not being a issue. Anyone with a measure of integrity or honesty would say that Biden has been deteriorating precipitously. But sure, he will be even better when he’s 82 LOL

  2. It’s funny to think that Americans are excited Biden is running for re-election when his health is deteriorating rapidly, our economy is terrible and on the global market the dollar is losing power, we’re losing the respect of other nations, etc etc. But sure a bunch of false promises of gifted money, rights, and a “plan of action” will work. Way to work the narrative that everybody wants democrats in power.

  3. Would it hurt the folks interviewed in these sorts of articles to answer questions about the electorate… from the perspective of, y’know, the electorate? Why on Earth would the average voter in Ohio care about Disney’s operations in Florida? And if roughly 50% of voters don’t support medical transitioning for minors or transgender women competing in women’s sports, are the interviewees seriously arguing that 50% of this country are”un-American” “fascists”?

    The age issue, too, is clear partisanship. Beyond any potential health issues, there is something deeply philosophically wrong about going on record to a college magazine and telling a bunch of 18-22 year olds how they should be okay with an octogenarian president. (And yes, I’d unequivocally say the same thing about Trump.) How healthy can a society be, really, if young people are increasingly underrepresented in government?

    With falling birth rates, the selfish refusal of seniors (from both parties) to retire from office, the disproportionate impact the recent lockdowns/Covid policies had on young people, the utter lack of sympathy towards issues like rising rent/home prices/layoffs/etc… I suspect that it would be wise for the 40+ crowd to offer an olive branch to us youngins while you still can. Seeing as, well, you guys do need us to like you all enough to pay for your retirements! ;)

  4. For most a vote for Biden is viewed as a vote for a President Kamala Harris. She is NOT viewed favorably. Biden never should have announced a re-election campaign. Age is a major issue and Biden looks older everyday.
    The Republican have two major issues: 1) they went too far on abortion so there will be backlash from moderate R’s and independents, and 2) Trump’s legal issues will begin to bite which maybe why he is becoming more unhinged.
    The American people want other choices. There is a good shot that neither Biden nor Trump get their parties nomination and a dark horse rides to the rescue. My sense is that most people hope so. I know I do.

  5. It feels like Biden is in a strange middle ground. Those of the upper class obviously aren’t keen on voting for a democrat (especially the billionaires) since they don’t like getting heavily taxed, but those who are of the low class are also not keen on voting for Biden since the economy is making it hard for people to buy basic necessities. As far as I’m aware the economy isn’t bad at the moment, but it’s being presented as bad to the people who are being affected by it at the lowest level. It’s easy to take common things like high gas prices and expensive eggs and turn them into a weapon against the current leadership.
    The environment is something that everyone SHOULD get behind protecting since it literally will affect all of us sooner or later. But those of a higher class seem to not care too much about this issue likely because they are in the group who will be affected ‘later’ by that issue. The climate seems to primarily be an issue that will devastate the lower and middle class since they won’t have the resources to move out of danger areas. The climate could be something that candidates lean into more especially with global warming getting worse by the day.
    Even though democrats wish to push forth a lot of programs that could help low income people, it feels like those programs are pushed onto those who don’t even want them. This seems to be especially true for the Midwest. It’s honestly somewhat sad to see democrat candidates struggle in those regions because they seem completely disconnected from the way of life there. They lack the cultural capital that is required to connect with the people of that region, and those people can be painted as ignorant bigots by people who are quick to judge. Having one’s voter base label a certain group of people in a negative way and then giving up on that region will only cause contempt to fester harder and harder. I personally think it would be valuable for Biden to hire people or recruit people from areas like the Midwest during his campaign so that he can gain some of that cultural capital I mentioned earlier. Because at this stage, all of the objectified capital that he could provide through programs or funding wouldn’t get through to a base that understandably doesn’t like him.

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